Tourism – Wellness
Just do nothing – Experience a lot
Sacred ceremonies, nature connection, relaxation, stories and adventure.
Sunlight has a beaming light of joy and adventure in her presence, with inner peace, strength and power she will help you to “Just do nothing” at the same time as you will get stories about her experience with the nature and hidden realms.
She offer sacred ceremonies, songs from the nature, stories and will show you
how to connect to the nature.
You never know what you get or what will happen.
So are you ready to Just do nothing?

Clik the button to find out more what you can do.
The school
Námið / Lessons
Sólarmusterið skóli friðar býður upp á styttri og lengri námskeið og einkatíma sem hafa það að meginmarkmiði að skapa frið hið innra svo að þú getir síðan skapað frið hið ytra og um allan heim.
Sólarmusterið school of peace will offer seminars and courses, from some hours to some days long. All will going that way to find peace inside yourself so you can create a peace around you and around the world.