Svitahof Sólarljósins
Sigríður Sólarljós heldur svitahof fyrir minni hópa allt að 9 persónur. Mikilvægt að panta tímanlega og vera viðbúin breytingum þar sem vindur getur hamlað viðburði. Tími er um 4. klst. en hægt er að hafa kakóstund fyrir svitahof og þá eru það amk 6 klst. Vinsamlegast hafið samband til að fá nánari upplýsingar.
Sigríður Sunlight do a sweat ceremonies for small groups up to 9 humans. You have to order time in advance and be avare of that this event can be canceled if the wind is to strong. Time around 4 hours and if the group want to have a sacred cacao before the sweat lodge it is about 6 hours. Contact for more information.

Kakóstund með Sólarljósinu
Kakóstund felst í því að drukkið er Helgað kakó, það hefur þann eiginleika að skapa innra jafnvægi, opna hjartastöðina, meiri einbeyting og gleði.
Minni og stærri hópar, í hreyfingu eða slökun, innandyra eða utanhús. Allt eftir aðstæðum og hópum. Hafið samband til að fá nánari upplýsingar
Cacao ceremony
Cacao time, we will drink sacred cacao drink that help us to be more in balance, open our heart, give us more focus and joy. Here we can have small and bigger groups, we will be in movement or relaxation. Inside or outside. Just how we feel is best for our group.
Contact for more information.

Just do nothing
Að VERA í augnablikinu – How to BE in the moment.
around 1 – 1,5 hours.
Here Sunligth will tell you how you can connect to nature in an easy way, telling you about the magical places and the magic of nature that you can connect to if you just listen. Learn how to just be and do nothing at the same time as lot of thing is happening. We are going to be outside in the nature with the elements as they are. The air, the earth, the fire and water.
The air is connected to the mind, sometimes stillness and sometimes stormy.
The earth is connected to the physical, the body and action
The fire is connected to the spiritual aspect of life, our values and passion.
The water is connected to our emotions, how we feel about things and the life.